Thursday, 19 September 2019

7 Main Principles for Maintaining Healthy Teeth and Mouth

Thrush, swollen gums, bad breath , or cavities are some examples of poor oral health. In fact, dental or gum problems don’t merely make it difficult to eat or talk. A study found that poor oral health can cause dangerous complications.
Therefore, we present some useful tips for maintaining oral health.The easy way to maintain healthy teeth and mouth.

1. Don’t Brush Your Teeth Too hard
One of the goals of a toothbrush is to remove dental plaque. However, if you brush your teeth too hard, the friction can tear the gums and erode the tooth’s relatively thin enamel. As a result, your teeth become more sensitive. In addition, incorrect way to brush teeth can cause dental plaque to accumulate and harden which can result in gingivitis (gum inflammation).
Brushing teeth must be done gently with circular movements and massaging teeth. Usually, the effective duration of a toothbrush is around two minutes.

2. Brush Your Teeth Before Going To Sleep

You definitely know if you are recommended to brush your teeth at least twice a day: wake up early and before you go to sleep.
Toothbrush before bed turns out to be able to get rid of germs and plaque on your teeth that accumulate a long time throughout the day. Besides brushing your teeth, you are also advised to brush your tongue to get rid of germs or plaque that sticks to the tongue.

3. Use Fluoridated Toothpaste
Fluoride is a natural element that can be found in many things, like drinking water and the food you consume. Fluoride is absorbed by the body for use by cells that build your teeth to strengthen tooth enamel. Fluoride is also the main defense against tooth decay that works by fighting germs that can cause damage, as well as providing natural protection for your teeth. Therefore, use toothpaste that contains fluoride.

4. Don’t Smoke
Tobacco can cause yellowed teeth and blackened lips. Smoking also doubles your risk of gum disease and oral cancer. Therefore, stop smoking now.

5. Drink More Water

Water is the best drink for your overall health, including for your oral health because drinking can help clean up some of the negative effects of food and drinks that stick to your teeth. Bored with the taste of bland water? We have many creative ways to train you to drink more water .

6. Limit Consumption Of Sweet And Sour Foods
You may often hear the advice, “Don’t eat too much sweet food, your teeth will be perforated”. As it turns out, we really should not arbitrarily refute parental advice. Sweet and sour foods will be turned into acid by bacteria in the mouth which can then eat away at your tooth enamel. This acid is what causes your teeth to perforate quickly.

No need to stop consuming sugar altogether to maintain healthy teeth and mouth, you only need to limit consumption.

7. Eat Nutritious Foods
As with water, eating nutritious foods is also good for your oral health. Eating nutritious foods – including whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables, and dairy products – can provide all the nutrients you need. In fact, a study found that omega-3 fats – a type of healthy fat in seafood – can reduce the risk of inflammation, thereby reducing the risk of gum disease.

If you are looking for best family dentist Ballarat Victoria, I would strongly reccomend Delacombe Family Dental. Delacombe Family Dental Clinic is the dentist Ballarat for all dental issues. They offer you different types of treatment like Preventive Dental Treatments, Pain Relief Treatments, Missing Teeth Replacement, Cosmetic Dental Treatment, Kids Dental Treatment, Emergency Dental Care, Inhalation Sedation, Snoring Treatment, Invisalign Braces.
Original sources:-  Medicaliaorg

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